Lori Lee Dickson
Lori Lee Dickson, who concentrates in municipal law, is a member of our Municipal Law & Land Use and Commercial Litigation groups. She provides counsel to municipalities and other entities regarding various aspects of local government and corporate functions, including day-to-day operations and land use, zoning and other real property matters. She also serves as General Counsel to the Westchester Joint Water Works. Her litigation experience includes the defense of determinations by various municipal boards at the trial court and appellate levels, including zoning appeals, land use decisions and SEQRA compliance. Before joining the firm, Lori Lee served in-house as Corporation Counsel for the Village of Ossining (2011-2016). Prior to completing her law degree, she taught English and reading in middle and high school. Lori Lee brings a wide range of experience to representing her clients.
Areas of Experience
- Represented private clients with real property transactions and provided advice on occupancy, development, title issues and SEQRA compliance.
- Conducted title, commercial lease and contract review, prepared analyses and memoranda, negotiated and drafted necessary agreements.
- Provided municipal clients and public entities with legal opinions and interpretations as requested and drafted detailed findings and resolutions in multiple areas of governmental and other corporate concerns.
- Advised clients and engaged in advocacy as part of a team of professionals involving development projects ranging from simple structures to large-scale, multi-use endeavors.
Dickson Honored by Fairleigh Dickinson
Fairleigh Dickinson University has announced that Lori Lee Dickson, a member of our Municipal Law & Land Use group, will earn the highest honor bestowed upon a Fairleigh Dickinson University alumnus when she is inducted into the PINNACLE Society during the FDU Forward event at Bell Works in Holmdel, NJ. The PINNACLE Society was formed in 1989 to recognize the University’s most distinguished and accomplished alumni. Each year, a committee of PINNACLE members selects new members from among the University’s alumni based on their distinction in their chosen career field, contributions to society and humanity through public or humanitarian service, and/or outstanding service to the University. In its press release, the University lauded Lori Lee’s work: “As an extremely dedicated alumnus, in addition to her current Emeritus membership on the Board of Governors, Lori Lee’s connections to FDU are deep and varied. She attends numerous University-related events, commuting from her home in New York. She is a current member of the Pre-Law Advisory Board, a Past President of the Alumni Association and a former University Trustee. She is first to raise her hand to support efforts to increase alumni and student engagement. In the past, her involvement included Alumni-in-Admissions, FDU Women and Sands of Time.”
Lori Lee Dickson Joins Municipal Law & Land Use Group
We are pleased to advise that Lori Lee Dickson has joined the firm and is a member of our Municipal Law & Land Use group.
In the Matter of the Application of AVC Properties LLC v. The Village of Mamaroneck Zoning Board of Appeals, et al. (Sup. Ct. Westchester, Index Nos. 59146 and 62808/2018)
Municipal Law & Land Use – Article 78 Proceedings – Zoning Board of Appeals
McCarthy Fingar’s Municipal Law & Land Use lawyers are often defending decisions made by our municipal clients. Here, James K. Landau and Lori Lee Dickson successfully obtained the dismissal of two Article 78 petitions brought by AVC Properties, a landowner and developer who sought to appeal from resolutions issued by against firm client Village of Mamaroneck Zoning Board of Appeals (the “ZBA”). The Court agreed with ZBA’s argument that challenges to its resolutions were not ripe for judicial review because the resolutions were not final and any claimed harm by the landowner may be prevented, ameliorated or rendered moot by further steps available to petitioner and further administrative action.
[Read in full]Presenter | Description | Organization | Date |
- New York State Bar Association (Local and State Government Law Section)
- Westchester Women’s Bar Association (Women in the Law, Mentoring volunteer)
- Member, Friends of the Sing Sing Prison Museum
- Fairleigh Dickinson University (Emeritus Member of the Board of Governors of the Alumni Association; Past President & Member, University Board of Trustees [2005-07]; Board Development & Alumni-in-Admissions Committees)
- Sound Shore Figure Skating Inc. (non-profit) (Co-Founder/President Emeritus)